
Default Template Configuration

/** @type {import("@cresteem/hawk-js").hawkJsOptions} */
const config = {
	lookupPatterns: ["**/*.html", "**/*.htm"],
	ignorePattern: ["node_modules/**"],
	timeZone: "Asia/Kolkata",
	domainName: "",
	sitemapPath: "sitemap.xml",
	robotPath: "robot.txt",
	serviceAccountFile: "gserv.json",
	ftpCredential: { username: "", password: "", hostname: "" },
exports.default = config;

This is the default hawk.config.js configuration file. You can modify the values according to your website’s needs. Here’s a breakdown of each option:

Configuration Breakdown

SettingDefault ValueDescriptionWhen It’s Used
lookupPatterns[”/*.html”, ”/*.htm”]Patterns used to identify the HTML files for sitemap generation.When defining the file types you want Hawk.js to consider for sitemap generation.
ignorePattern[“node_modules/**“]Defines patterns to exclude certain files or directories from sitemap generation.To exclude unnecessary files or folders (e.g., node_modules, build folders) from the sitemap.
timeZone”Asia/Kolkata”Timezone used for file timestamps during sitemap generation.To ensure that file modification timestamps are correctly handled.
domainName””Your website’s domain name.Used to construct accurate URLs for your sitemap.
sitemapPath”sitemap.xml”The filename and path where the generated sitemap will be saved.Specify the output location for your sitemap file.
robotPath”robot.txt”The location of your robots.txt file.If you have a custom robots.txt, specify its path here to help control crawler behavior.
serviceAccountFile”gserv.json”Points to the service account JSON file used for Google services (required for G-Webmaster, G-WebMaster2, G-Index).Only required when using Google Webmaster Tools such as G-WebMaster, G-Index.
ftpCredential username: "", password: "", hostname: "" FTP credentials needed to upload the sitemap to your server.Required for submitting your sitemap and hash-key token via FTP for strategy like IndexNow, G-Webmaster, or G-WebMaster2.

How to Configure Hawk.js

  1. Create hawk.config.js:

    • Create using CLI
    hawk init
    • Open the hawk.config.js file, that will be in the root directory of your project.
  2. Customize the Settings:

    • Modify the configuration values based on your project needs, including adjusting file patterns, time zone, and credentials.
  3. Save Changes:

    • After updating the configuration, save the hawk.config.js file to apply the new settings to Hawk.js.

Credential Requirements

  • FTP Credentials: If you plan to use IndexNow, G-Webmaster, or G-Webmaster2, you will need to provide FTP credentials (ftpCredential), which include username, password, and hostname. This allows Hawk.js to automatically upload your generated sitemap to the server.

  • Service Account File: This is required for integration with G-Webmaster, G-Webmaster2, or G-Index. The serviceAccountFile points to a JSON file containing your Google service credentials, like the one used to connect with the Google Search Console API.

Learn more in the Google Credentials and FTP Credentials.

Next Step ?

Learn About Supported Indexing Strategies


  • Hawk.js
  • sitemap configuration
  • SEO setup
  • FTP credentials
  • Google Webmaster Tools
  • service account
  • IndexNow
  • configuration tutorial
  • SEO optimization
  • hawk.config.js