Hawk JS version 1.0.5

CLI References for Hawk JS

The Hawk JS CLI tool empowers you to manage and optimize sitemaps for enhanced SEO performance. It supports multiple strategies (GIndex, IndexNow, GWebmaster, GWebmaster2) not only for generating and submitting sitemaps but also for updating and ensuring the inclusion of recently updated content. Use options to define inclusion and exclusion patterns for files, ensuring precise control over which content is indexed.


  • Ensure your hawk.config.json is configured properly for advanced settings.
  • Use -h or --help with any command to get detailed usage information.

This structured reference guide provides users with clear instructions on how to use Hawk JS from the command line, covering various commands, options, and examples for effective sitemap management and submission.


hawk [options] [command]


  • -s, --strategy <strategy>: Strategy to use (GIndex, IndexNow, GWebmaster, GWebmaster2).

Default is IndexNow.


  • -i, --include <pattern>: Include pattern for file selection.

  • -e, --exclude <pattern>: Exclude pattern for file selection.

  • -p, --prettify: Prettify sitemap.xml output. Default is false.


genmap [options]

Generate sitemap.xml and optionally upload to Google Search Console.


All are optional nothing mandatory.

  • -c, --commit: Upload generated sitemap to Google Search Console and FTP server.
  • -i, --include <pattern>: Include pattern for file selection.
  • -e, --exclude <pattern>: Exclude pattern for file selection.
  • -p, --prettify: Prettify sitemap.xml output. Default is false.


Set FTP credentials from secrets.json to the system environment.


Set Secret Credentials:

yarn hawk secret

Generate Sitemap Only:

yarn hawk genmap

Generate and Upload Sitemap to Google Search Console and FTP:

yarn hawk genmap -c

Submit Updated Link to Search Engines Using IndexNow Strategy:

yarn hawk -s IndexNow

Submit Updated Link to Google Using GIndex Strategy:

Google service account's credential is required. Follow Credential page.
yarn hawk -s GIndex

Generate and Upload Sitemap Using GWebmaster Strategy:

Google service account's credential is required. Follow Credential page.
yarn hawk -s GWebmaster

Generate and Upload Sitemap Using GWebmaster2 Strategy:

Google service account's credential is required. Follow Credential page.
It check for status of submission in addition to GWebmaster strategy
yarn hawk -s GWebmaster2

Let's get into API!

  • CLI reference guide
  • command line interface
  • sitemap management